Only one more week to go


Seeking Carolina releases one week from today. Despite everything else going on right now, the joy of this is overwhelming.

I’ve gotten a few early reviews, all of them good (so far!) but two reviewers were disappointed that it wasn’t what they consider contemporary romance. They found it more women’s fiction. I can see their point. Definitely. And yet, I feel that if my story were categorized women’s fiction, readers expecting it to be so would be just as disappointed. What I’ve discovered is that my work straddles a line. Yes, it’s contemporary romance. The story of two people and how they come together is the key element. Happily-ever-after is assured. And yet, Seeking Carolina is also, in equal measures, the story of four sisters, and how they come to terms with their past. So there’s a strong romantic element, that makes it women’s fiction, right?

What my work is, from Seeking Carolina to Dreaming August to Waking Savannah, is both. It has all the elements necessary to contemporary romance, as well as those elements expected in women’s fiction. But there is no marketing category for romantic women’s fiction, or women’s fiction romance. Maybe there will be a few more readers disappointed when they read my book, expecting something they didn’t get. But maybe, like several readers I’ve heard from so far, it’ll be more than they were expecting.

Here’s hoping, anyway.


Filed under Romance

17 responses to “Only one more week to go

  1. Can’t wait for release day!!


  2. Congratulations! So excited for you!


  3. Elizabeth

    Can’t wait to read. And, I think it is awesome if you can’t be pigeonholed. Going across genres can only be a good thing, in my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Terri-Lynne DeFino

      So far, those who expected one thing and got something else have liked the story anyway. Huzzah! I’ll hope that trend continues. Thanks, Bea!


  4. Carol Lovekin

    I’m uncomfortable with any book being labelled ‘for women.’ A book is a book is a book. You write great books, Terri. If your readers enjoy & love them, it ought to be enough.

    I know how surprised I was when I read ‘Finder’ & how when I reviewed it, I described it as less ‘fantasy’ & more a ‘love story.’ So, maybe, that’s what you’ve been writing all along?

    Good luck with the release of ‘Seeking Carolina.’ So very happy for you, cariad! xXx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Terri-Lynne DeFino

      Another friend, upon my announcement that I was writing romance, said, “Isn’t that what you’ve been writing all along?” Yeah, it is! I don’t like labels either, but the whole business end of this writing gig depends upon them. I’m SO glad to be on the writing end!
      ❤ cara mia.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Carol Lovekin

        You’re not wrong. Despite my best endeavour, I can no longer avoid the tag ‘YA Crossover’ being attached to Ghostbird. Rather than continue protesting (which is futile), I’m embracing the fact & hoping it will bring me more readers! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Lise-Marie

    yes!!! congrats!


  6. Woo To The Hoo!! I’m so happy for you!! Congratulations!!


  7. I’m so excited for you, Terri!! Can’t wait to read your new book. 🙂


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